When closing a deal, various legal issues influence agreements made.
It is therefore important to create a solid basis beforehand and to benefit from well thought-out trade agreements.
Points to note are:
Using the right general terms and conditions for purchase and sale
Arranging your standard contract, purchase order or order confirmation
Arranging tailor made solutions in case a deal requires additional legal documents such as a letter of intent, side letter, referral, company or bank guarantee, statement of ownership etc.
Assisting with “the battle of the forms” in case a client does not want to accept your conditions but wants to put their own purchase conditions on the table
Developing export markets, analyzing possible risks and making decisions about using the applicable law of your own or your client’s country
Estimating import/ export taxes in case you want to sell your services or products in your own country or abroad
Determining regulations or class requirements that will be applicable for your services or products in specific markets or disciplines
Protect the fruits of your labor and research & development by establishing your trademark or idea in the form of a patent
For all these questions we can deliver the right solutions in accordance with the advice of our legal partners in international law, trademark & patent and specialists in export markets.