For over 16 years Christopher Consulting has worked for companies in different sectors. Industries where we have specialized expertise include:
Offshore & Pipe-Laying and Subsea Industries
Delivering a complete service package to implement a company identity, products and services from a national market into an international offshore environment
Select suitable accountants and attract investors to safeguard a steady annual growth
Assisting with various internal processes such as making an analysis of company profile and acquisition related to specific markets and products
Arranging a market opportunity evaluation and a target marketing to create a well thought-out and well balanced marketing strategy
Change defined leads and prospects into buying clients for products and services in offshore, pipe-laying, subsea and renewable energy projects
Arranging and optimizing sales data to be used in newly established CRM database system to perform proper administration and following up of valuable prospects and clients
Execute, for and on behalf of the client, contracts related to pipe-laying, offshore cranes and related subsea equipment
Assisting with “the battle of the forms” to create balanced conditions between parties
Analyzing possible opportunities and risks in doing business with new (overseas) clients
Dredging Industries
Optimizing e-commerce and google adwords programs based on geographical locations
Arranging upgrades for domain names and implementing this into client’s network
Delivering original texts for corporate films in various languages
Analysis of company profile and acquisition related to sea mining
Developing and implementing a new company identity in the sea mining sector
Implementing a complete marketing & e-commerce program to attract clients in the European sea mining sector
Arranging graphic design for the layout of brochures, corporate films and websites
Delivering e-commerce strategies
Arranging original text scripts for brochures, corporate films, newsletters and websites
Assisting with sales development
Automotive Industry
Delivering corporate sales and marketing training programs
Optimizing e-commerce programs
Analysis of company profile and acquisition related to special lifting gear for the truck and car industry
Arranging a market opportunity evaluation with respect to the sales of components and special lifting gear
Providing various contracting services
Giving legal assistance with respect to the setup of general terms and conditions
Developing export markets for food production machines
Arranging vendor lease constructions
Giving legal assistance for establishing trade names and patenting inventions of food production machines
Defining target markets and realizing opportunities
Organizing sales and marketing programs for the distribution and sales of composite materials and components in local markets
Arranging marketing & e-commerce
Custom Built Yacht Industry
Arranging sales and marketing programs for the sale of custom built vessels between 70’ and 165’ in the top end market
Setting up brokerage services for used motor yachts in an international environment
Delivering executive management for all sales and contracting processes
Financing long term projects
Giving legal assistance for yacht deliveries, registration and leasing
Propagating company identities at international events
Closing deals for and on behalf of the client
Series Production Yacht Industry
Business development for import of production sailing yachts up to 60’
Setting up brokerage services in an international environment
Arranging marketing & e-commerce campaigns to end consumers
Food Export
Establishing product trade names for private labels
Arranging market research for the sales of food products in different countries
Guiding advertising and e-commerce projects
Assisting with export sales
IT & Advanced Technology
Sales development of computer software in specific markets
Sales development of backup hardware computer systems
Products targeting advanced technology disciplines
Setting up procurement and warehousing of advanced electronic products
Construction & Real Estate
Management & development, either residential and commercial real estate
Construction & development
Real estate sales
Guiding of procurement processes